EMPower Life Church was built and commissioned upon the premise that there is a need for an awakening to take place within man . EMPower Life endeavors to awaken the Christ mind within mankind by delivering the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ while making sure His methods are just as profound as His message.
It is known to us that man is the greatest idea in God; the epitome of Gods mind. The apex of God’s creation, created in His image and likeness. But, man has lost his identity within and as the image of God through accepting race thoughts about his imperfections and failures. Which has made himself perform and live at a lowest awareness of life.
EMPower Life Church is ordained to awaken the man to his Christ self and to His image in God, through God and as God. Understanding that God is the Divine Mind and man is the off-spring of God, which is the expression of His mind on Earth. We are here to establish the principles within the mind which will cause man to come forth as Christ in the Earth. Jesus finished the work in man and redeemed us from the curse of sin and death. Now, man must awaken to this power.
Realizing that Jesus Christ is the perfect idea and expression of God for man, we must pattern our life after His examples by making His principles our own.
EMPower Life Church is commissioned to doing just that… “Awakening the Christ mind within mankind”.